XXX. Presentments at Sessions.


Wee presente John Lambert one of the Constables of this towne for that hee beeinge sworne & charged at the Sessions of the peace nexte after Christmas to keepe the Kings Majestys Counsell his fellowes and his owne Hath since that tyme revealed his fellowes secretts & presentments then made whereby much discord hath allready and much more may arise for which offence wee deeme the said John Lambert worthye of a greevous punishment and to bee deepely fyned (xxs.)
17th January, 1624.  
Wee present John Hunt & William Parker for feughting in the parish church of St. Peeter the 9th of Jann last past (xs. xd.).
Wee present Richard Browne for pulling down the townes wall at the Chap-wall bar & converting it to his own use (iis.)
Wee present Rowland Steepells for diginge the towns wall & convertinge the stone to his use (iis.)
Wm Ripon for anoynige the streets with Carrion and for his swine not going to the swinard but feedeinge in the streets (xs.)


To the Righte Wor11. Mr. Leonarde Nixe Maior of the Towne of Nott. Mr. Recorder & the rest of the Maiors brethren.

The humble petition of Henrye Alvey.

In all humilitie shewethe unto your worshipps That whereas your pore petitioner hathe lived the wholl time of his life in this Towne, paieinge all duties that hathe anie waies beene imposed uppon him, haveinge paid xs. to his matie for a fifteene, and borne office in the same, and hathe beene a subsidie man, and a private man, and haveinge lent unto Robert Alvey sometimes Maior of this Towne 40ll at a time towardes the mainetayning of his creditt in the same place and paid for him about 500ll at severall times to his utter impoverisheinge, And whereas Mr. Richard Hurte then one of the Aldermen and nowe deceased, beinge then Maior, at the time of the departure of Mr. Widdowson, (whoe have the scavingers Fee) Hee coulde not put in Christopher Gascoigne without the consente of the Counsell yett by their consente placed him therein.

Maye it please your Worpps. that your poore petitioner beinge growen into povertie by paieinge diverse debts for others ys nowe desirous that you woulde be pleased to grante him parte of the scavingers Fee, which wilbe some helpe to the maintaininge of him his wife and familie and he will be content to allowe oute of it after the rate of xxll to be paid yerelie by some small valewe, for the one halfe parte thereof, he beinge growen into yeares, and not hable to imploye him selfe in his vocation as formerlie he hathe done And he shalbe bounden to praie for your longe continuance in all healthe and happines. Humblie crauevinge your answere because he hathe beene driven of these twoe yeres and more1.


To the right worll. Mr. Maior and the rest of the woorll. his brethren the humble request of Henrie Herwood.

Humblye desiringe your worpps. that where as I am imprisoned upon suspetion and much wronged by the cherges of an other man doe humblye dessire your worshipps favours that I maye have libertie upon bayle, whereby I maye rellieve my selfe wyfe and children this longe and could tyme of winter otherwise are thaye like to be lost for want of meanes I humblye beseche your worpps. take commiseration on me and I and myne shalbe bound to praye for your longe and prosperous hapyneses.


2 May, 1625.  
Wee dooe present Jo. Scmedley for a pinder beinge not sworne and un-fitinge for the place to the great disorder which he used the last year (xiid.)
Wee present Michael Brightman for taking John Smedlye for the under pinner beinge a verye unfitt man for that purpose, and beinge un-sworne (xiid.)
We present Frauncis Nix for takinge Thomas Else for a pinder beinge unsworne also for delivering a horse that was pinned without the consent of him that caused him to be pinned (xid.)
18 July, 1625.  
Wee present Hn. Gellson for keepinge houndes and throinge horse fleshe in the leene and for anoinge his neibours that the kan not live by him (xs.)
Wee present Wm. Newcome for Tiplinge without lycens (xxs.)

8 November, 1629.

Memorandum that James Tutyn hathe promised that Sellat that hathe maryed his sister shall come to the towne before the nexte Sessions and provide by way of securitie that his wyefe and children shall not be chardgeable to the towne or ells in defaulte thereof James Tutyn will become bownd for them or ells otherwise secure the towne from them and theire chardge.


18 January 1629/30.  
We presente Bartholmewe Walshbie for sendinge his servante uppon ye sabaoth daye to flea a horse.  
We presente Nicholas Maslyn for power-inge downe dreane water into the open streete which being kept longe did anoye the people that passed by very much and others that dwell in that streete (iiis. iiiid.)
[Wee present] Godfrey Craggell for hanginge out skinns of the Sabbath daye (iis.)
[We present] Hugh Parke for hanginge forth Cloths upon the Sabbath daye (iis.)
[We present] Harold Gamble pro usinge the artt of lez Codders.  
[We present] William Froste pro puttinge hors leather into insoles.  

12 April 1630.

Wee present John Brodhurst of the towne of Nottingham laborer for that hee on the 9th day of Aprill 1630 did buy Sixe horse loads of Sallte as the same was cominge into the markett to be sould, everie horsload conteyninge fower strykes of Sallte att the leaste, againste the forme of the Statute in that case made and provided And to the undoeinge of a greete manie of poore ould antient howseholders and burgesses thatt onely lyve and maynetayne theire families by buyinge and sellinge of Sallte.

XVII. Jan. 1630.

We desire and Intreat yt. their maye be some redress and order taken for the poor, ether to sett them on worke to cloth making or ells that every man maye be cessed accordinge to his abillitie. Yt. soe they maye be kept att home and restrained from swarmeinge in our streetes as they doe both ould and yonge or ells yt. every man maye kepe his oune tenants.

Allsoe we desire yt. notice may be given both too wydowe Barnes the Elder and allsoe wydowe Barnes ye younger yt. they may be restrained from kepeinge of Lincolne Markett where we are credeblie Informed yt. the sicknes doth increase very sore of late tyme.

Greete Yarmouth Norff.

Robert Norgate & Thomas Medowe Bailiffs & Justices of peace & quorum of his majesty's Burgh aforesaid To all Justices of peace Constables & others whome it Concerne greetinge for as much as this bearer John Sharpe havinge served in the warrs beyond the seas landed here this daye Theis are to intreate everie of you quietlie to permitt him to travile to Bewdley in Worstershire and to afford him all lawfull favour & Charitable respect. Given under our hands and Seale of Office this xxxth of March Anno domini 1631 to Continue fortie dayes.


Robert Norgate
Tho: Medowe


18 July, 1631.  
Wee present Alexander Knowles for byinge Otmealle before the markit and selling it ageane the same daye (iis.)
25 April, 1631.  
Wee present Robert Hanson for taking Children out of the Cuntrie to keep whereby the towne is in danger to bee in dammiged (xs.)
Item we present Wylliam Smithe diar for anoyinge the Lane before his diehouse wythe stinkinge and odious smells of woodiwis and other dyinge stuffes.  
We present Roger Ryley for Cuttinge the tops of the trees aboute the malt mills in the lower end of goose gate (xiid.)
18 July, 1631.  
Wee present Richard Wood for nott findinge a watchman (xiid.)
Wee present Mr. John Gregory for taking in a Farinar with a great charge of Chilldren called by name John Joyner (iiill vis. viiid.)
Wee Intreat that ther may be Butts In every ward to avoayd the Danger of the statut.  
Wee present John bucher and gorge his soune for taking awaye the tythe hay to the vallew of 3s. that was nott apoynted for him butt the ove (vs.)
We present thomas Clarke sporyar for Letting his borgas part being a Lood of tythe hay to a faranar (iiis. iiiid.)
We present Mr. Maior for Letting a garden to a faranar without Consent of the Cownsell.  
We present Mr. Henry Plomtree for takinge in a tenant into a howse in Stony caled the Nagges head beinge a Stranger his name is Hill (iiil. vis. viiid.)
Wee presente Mr. froste for deninge to do any Comon Worke with his Draught as other neighbours do (xs.)

The Examination of James Atleborowe of the Towne of Nottingham Yeoman taken before Robert Sherwyn maior and Robert Parker Alderman the 5th of Maye 1631.

Beeinge Examined wheare hee was uppon Tuesdaye laste and howe hee bestowed him selfe that daye. That hee wente from Nottingham aboute Seaven of the Clocke in the Morninge with his Anglerod and wente downe towards Colwicke Halle & soe to Colwicke Towne wheare hee did Angle for some baytes to beate his Pickerell hooke And from thence hee wente downe by the Trente side to Stoke Ferrye whither hee came aboute Eleven of the Clocke and passinge over the Ferrye wente to Shelforde Towne wheare stayinge a while with George Wrighte hee wente from thence to Shelforde Mannor whither hee came aboute Twelve a Clocke and stayed theare till betwixte Three & Fowre of the Clocke in the afternoone and came from thence bakke to Shelforde Towne to an Alehouse theare (the owner beeinge a mason) in the Companye of the Lorde Stanhopes Butler and his Coacheman and stayed theare in theire Companye untill aboute Eighte of the Clocke at night. And soe returninge over Stoke Ferrye came to Colwicke to the house of Wydowe Cooke wheare hee called for twoe potts of Ale. And beeinge further examined wheather hee did see Thomas Watson that daye hee saythe that hee did not see him neyther dothe hee knowe him.

(signed) James Attelborow.


X. October, 1636.  
We persent Robert Watkin for Killing two pidgeons with a Gun in the Sands upon the third day of June 1636 (iis.)
22 October, 1636.We present Henry Wright for Cuttinge downe greene thornes in the copies (xs.)
and William Webster for cuttinge downe greene maples & thornes thereand Bryan Gray and Huntingdon Eyre for not scoweringe the beck ditch in theire close (xd.)
(iiis. iiiid. each)
Barnaby Wartnaby for the like in sentanes well (iiis. iiiid.)
24 April 1637.  
We presente John Howet for fishing with a shove net and valew the net to eight pence in the river of liene (xiid.)
17 July, 1637.  
We present Charles Moreley for beinge absent with his draught from Common worke 5 dayes being lawfully summoned (xxvs.)
16 Jan. 1636.  
Wee present Mr. Andrewes man John Petty for shootinge of a peece charged against a mans windowe (xxs.)
We present Barnaby Wattnabey for nott scowring a ditche att the hyther end of Woodlane going to St. Annes well by boy Croft (viff.)


Mr. Mayor.

If it please your Worshipp and the rest of your Bretheren of the Binch to Comisserate my Case for I am in want for I William Hollyam am to pay som mony and I made my moane to the Justices of St Maryes parish & they tould me yt. the would take in Consideration when the mett to gather for I would desire your worshipp yt. you would be pleased to move your Bretheren wth. it or else I would request you to doe soe much for me as to speake to Mr. Romfeild yt. I may have five shillinges of my wages afforehand yt. is to come and allso I pray you yt. you would be pleased yt. I may be admitted to be a warder at the Bridge or else where to releeve my wants.

Your distreesed servant

William Hollyman.


9 April 1638.  
Itm wee present Richard Mitchell and John Arnall his Tennaunt for breacking downe and carryeinge awaye part of the Townes wall to the value of a cart load or more (xxs.)
Itm wee present Lathymer Walker for annoyeinge the street with shreds and mallock (xis.)
Wee Humbley request that some better Cowrse may bee taken for the better ordering of saint Joanses that the poore may bee set on worke and not neglected as heretofore which wee tacke to bee in your worships owne defawlt (done allreddy)
15 January 1637/8.  
Itm wee present Hugh Gelson for the anoyance of the Kinges hie way with his hounds meate & often tymes laying of it in the river namely ye. Leene (vs.)


(1) Henry Alvey received a favourable answer to his petition, see Vol, 5, p. 171.