Appendix II.
Survey of Francis Hacker's estate in Colston Bassett in 1662

(From a document acquired by Mr. F. Thorpe Perry of Car-Colston, with whose kind permission this copy has been made. T.M.B.)

Com. Nott.:

A true and perfect Particular of all those Tenement houses lands and appurtances att Coulston Bassett & Bridgford ad Montem in the County of Nottingham which late were and did belong unto Francis Hacker forfeited to his Matie for the Treason of the said Francis And now part of the possession of his Royall Highness James Duke of Yorke, with the Estimate of the value thereof.

According to a view and Survey thereof taken this present September 1662 according to the Order of the Right Honble the Comissioners for manadging the Revenew of his said Royall Highnes

By mee Jonas Moore.

The said Francis Hacker did owe [sic=own] and was possessed of One Capitall Messuage or Tenement at Coulston Bassett in the said County of Nottingham with severall rich inclosed Meadowes and pastures thereunto belonging. As alsoe of a Capitall Messuage or Tenement att Bridgford super Montem with severall inclosures and Lands in the Com(m)on Fields therunto belonging And severall Cottages there, A particuler wherof Followeth, But as far as any lands or Tenements or Farmes in Statherne I can finde none, The Lease there held of the Earle of Rutland being Expired.

A particuler of Coulston Bassett

One Faire Dwelling house built by the said Francis Hackers Father in Coulston Bassett haveing on the ground besides the Sellar, One Hall,  Kitching, Small Roome by the Hall, the Buttery, a parlor wainscotted, another little fore Roome within and a small Clossett, Over all which are many Hansome  Roomes & above all Garretts. To which is a garden paled and in the homestead, w* contaynes 4 acres an Orchard and theis buildings, vizt., A faire Tyled barne of 5 Bay, A Malthouse Tyled, One stable All in decay an Old Brewhouse Thatched


Val per annum



li. s. d

Towards the East and the lane onely parting the aforesaid Homestead & Cowpasture wch is a pasture ground And abutts West upon the land East upon  High  Close   &  South  on  Sr. Charles Geldings lands, it Containes

12 Acres of ground and is worth 20s. an acre

val  XX li

val. per ann.



High Close a pasture abutting East on another Close late the said Hackers called Rowses plott, South on Mr Goldings  land, North on the Smett, West on the last mentioned ground and contayned


li. s. d

Rowses Plott in 2 Closes abutting East on Langar Field part of Mr. Howes land South and part of Langar Comon West and North And part of the said Farme ground of Francis Hacker cont(ains)



Sinsett Furlong, a Mead, abutts North upon the Snite river, South on a Close of Mr. Howes in Langar parish, East and West upon the Farme land & cont(ains)



Gallows Hill Mead abutts upon Langar Lane upon the East, Mr. Howes grownd South, the Smyte West And on the South upon the last mentioned parcell called Synsett Furlong



One Cottage in Coulston Bassett neare to the ground called the Cowpasture in tenure of one Anthony Clarke Together with One Acre and a halfe of ground letten to the said Clarke att 30s. p(er) Ann(um) the Cottage in much decay



Sum of Coulston Bassett is




(There follows the survey for Bridgford on the Hill printed in Mr. Du Boulay Hill's "History of E. Bridgford," pages 221, 222)